Friday, February 27, 2009


Having never had the pleasure of visiting Italy
and being asked to prepare a dinner
that would represent "the boot" was alot of fun. We wanted to make sure we prepared dishes that were recognizable to our members and their guests. But I just couldn't bare to cook any Amer-Italian cuisine. Or maybe it is... I dunno... man I need to go to Italy!!! Here is what we came up with...

Caprese... in a slightly progressive way??? LN2 involved...

Risotto, Milan style, scallops, mountain Parmigiano

Potato gnocchi, porcini, tallegio, garlic milk


Veal loin and breast, cannelinni bean puree, brocolli raab, currants, mostarda

Coffee panna cotta


Chris Cassle said...

Why cant you show us some normal food? People always dont want to eat chemistry projects, do you do normal food? Do you have any friends that do?

foodjones said...

Normal Food? Hi Chris... Thanks for commenting. If you go through the entire blog you will notice that there is plenty of classic cuisine applications utilized and showcased in the photographs. Also there are some very modern applications showcased. There are also dozens of chef and food blogs that showcase classic and modern cuisine. I would be happy to direct you to them. I also prepare "normal food" every day. Every single day. And have numerous friends and colleagues alike that do as well. I will take your comment under consideration and perhaps post what I consider "normal food". But a realist I am, and I can tell you my take on "normal food" may not be yours or anyone elses for that matter. And the beauty of this blog, other chef and food blogs and anything on the internet for that matter is that you don't have to look at it! By the way Chris, the chemistry projects aren't going away! And as cooks, there is chemistry in everything we do!