We need your help fellow chefs, vendors, purveyors, F&B managers, GM's, golf pros, superintendants, all of YOU!!!
Our 20th Annual Jim Lynch Memorial Scholarship Golf Classic is sneaking up on us and we need golfers, tee sponsors, F&B sponsors, and prizes. Don't let the ecomomy slow us down! This is a great event loaded with fun and fellowship. Scramble format and where evryone is a hero! This is our major fundraiser for the year and funds raised go directly to our scholarship fund. We are proud to have raised tens of thousands of dollars over the years that have supported young culinarians with their education and the culinary programs of Collier County schools. So come and have a great day out at Wildcat Run Golf and Country Club in Estero! For more information or to register please contact 239 774 0466.
we look forward to seeing you all out at Wildcat Run!

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